Great Chesterford

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Nursery – consultation by Parish Council ahead of borrowing application

Dear All,


We refer to the note from Tom Newcombe, the Chair of Great Chesterford Parish Council (“GCPC”), dated 27th February 2022 updating the village in relation to the nursery.  Tom’s note  of the 27th February is also to be found on the village website, as a blog post.


Tom’s note of the 27th February refers at the end to funding and borrowing that will be required to complete the project.  The funding comes from residual funds held by Essex County Council (“ECC”) from the original funds provided by the Department for Education (“DFE”).  There are some additional s106 (building development) funds.    There will still be some additional borrowing required, the costs of which are to be funded by the rent received from the appointed nursery provider.  We are working with ECC on the procurement process to identify the nursery provider.   


The borrowing is to be undertaken from a Government organisation,  the Public Works Loan Board (”PWLB”).     To  apply for a loan from the PWLB first requires approval for the loan from  the Essex Association of Local Councils (“EALC”).   That application to EALC in turn requires a consultation process with the village.   This consultation process is particularly important when  the anticipated borrowing will require an increase in the precept.  That is – the borrowing costs would be funded by an increase in the council tax levied by the PC and added to the total of council tax charged by UDC.  That is NOT the model that GCPC are following with the costs of borrowing to be funded by the rental obtained from the nursery provider.     However,  there will be consultation by way of regular project updates both on Googlegroup and the village website.


Comments can be submitted to GCPC by way of emailing its clerk – Kate Stacey at


The period for submitting comments before the application is made to EALC will be open until Friday 15th April which includes the date of the next PC meeting on Wednesday 13th April.   Generally, the PC welcomes comments at any time and as mentioned by Tom in his note, the PC intends to have a village meeting as soon as possible.


The PC will continue to press on with the procurement process during the consultation process so time will not be lost.